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Welcome to the Official Website for

Savanna High School Class of 1965
  Please review the announcements below then have fun browsing the site and connecting with old friends.



Hi, Class of ’65!

Where does the time go?  Summer (except for the heat) is over!  Football just started this week.  Living in the Kansas City area NFL Football is a BIG thing.  What a start for the KC Chiefs! 

I am so happy to see continued interest in our website.  I want to thank all of you who contributed and kept it alive.

Please let me know if there is anything else we can do to keep it going.

I thought you might get a chuckle out of this photo from the Onion News. 

Nancy Madeira




Hey there, fellow survivors of the Class of '65!

Life has thrown us some curveballs, but here we are, still standing strong. This virtual meeting spot is all about celebrating our resilience. So, grab a cup of coffee, kick back, and let's chat!

We've been through it all together - the ups, the downs, and everything in between. We've fought our way through tough times and come out on top. We're a force to be reckoned with!

This place is all about rekindling old connections, sharing stories, and reminding each other of the incredible victories we've achieved. We're a group of experienced, wise, and determined individuals who know that age is just a number.

Here, let's inspire one another. We have a wealth of experiences and lessons learned that can encourage us all to keep pushing, no matter what life throws our way. We're living proof that resilience knows no boundaries!

So, let's cheer on one another, keep chasing our dreams, and embrace new passions. It's never too late to redefine our purpose and make a difference in our lives and in the world around us.

Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet, where surviving members of the Class of '65 come together to share laughs, support, and motivation. Let's keep rockin' and show the world that we're survivors, forever young at heart!

Greg Cook

The photo above is of Lisa Cruz flanked by two of our three fearless leaders Bob MacKinnon and Doug Bell - Mike Elliott was the photographer.  

There were no kids on campus last year,  and the leadership class wanted banners on campus to welcome everyone back.   We funded this one and helped fund another at the main entrance to campus. 

Doug, Mike and Bob met with Lisa Cruz, the Senior Administrative Assistant who is managing our Class of ’65 Legacy Fund.  The focus in the past has been on serving individual students that created auditing and other issues for the administration.  Going forward it was decided to focus on extra curricular program needs that benefit the needier students who want to participate.

The Class of ’65 Legacy Fund is alive and well! 

Going into the season of Thanksgiving, you may wish to make a difference in the lives of the current Savanna Students.  Any amount that you are able to donate is much appreciated.

Lisa Cruz the Senior Administrative Assistant at Savanna High School  is once again able to receive donations directly.

Checks to be made out to:

“Savanna High School" with "Legacy Fund" on the memo line and mail to:

Savanna High School

Attention - Lisa Cruz

301 Gilbert St.

Anaheim, CA 92801






Many Thanks to all below who have contributed to saving our!

Deanne Mosher

Gregg Cook

Bob Clark

Lloyd Gladden

Gorden Reed

Anita Wilson

Sandra Schoby

Mike Elliot

Michael Morales

Will Bailey

Charles Harvey

Linda Carpenter

David Hanson

Bobbie Ryan

Wayne Hall

Diane Reilly

Paul Brentson

Tom Skinner

Bob Lanphar

Jonel Lancaster

Lorraine Ivey - In memory of John Ivey

Skip Johnson

Nancy Madeira

Larry Fellows

Bob Mac Kinnon

Darla Sammons

Barbara Cummings

Steve (Jolly) Stephens  

Jonathan Sheehan      

Francis Willis          

Nancy Stowe Tenga        

Linda Bird  

Deana Moses   

Kathleen Dacey

Jerry Labuda  

Bob Clendineng

Suzanne Mau

Kathy Ray

Mitch Wise










Put your bifocals on and look for yourself!


James Nakayama  9/26
Clyde Hodges  9/28
Harry Stanley  10/3
Debby Lahr  10/6
Lisa Cruz  10/8
Suzanne Mau  10/9
William Brake  10/10