Missing Class Members

Your Reunion Committee needs help locating missing class members, teachers, and staff.  If you know where any of the following Class Members are, then please share their contact information with us right now.  Just click here to send us an email with the information.

If you are on the list below, then just click on your name and click on the “JOIN HERE” link to quickly get connected with other members of the Savanna Class of 1965 and find out more about our upcoming 50th Year Reunion.

Go Rebels!

Lee Alexander
Cheryl Allen (Kenidi)
Keith Anderson
Alma Arciniega
Janet Bauman
Edward Bennett
Robert Bennett
Bettie Berkes
Larry Berry
Mike Best
Joyce Brown
Mary Carter
Ellen Chambers
Gayle Chapman
Alan Coble
Darryl Comroe
Michele Cooper
Sherry Cooper
Sharon Cousert
Marsha Davis
Ron Duke
Robert Dye
Mary Enger
Stella Fallis
Doug Forsyth
Roland Frabotta
Ruby Gage (Stewart)
Mary Gibbs
Jennifer Teresa Graham (Hatcher)
Diana Granier (Weaver)
Raymond Handel
Judie Hartman
Lynne Hill
Karen Hobson
Robert Hoffman
Linda Homan
Linda Hoppins
Jim Huff
Craig Joseph
Mary A Kelly
Carole Koerner (Morrill)
Sheila Ladd
Carol Lavine
Art Lewis
Kathie Lewis
Marianne Lyden (Marsters)
Kathy Martin
Patricia McCarnes
Karen McPhail
Rita Mendez
Gilbert Messie
Ann Miller
Stan Miller
Virginia Moreno
Duane Moses
Jerry Moses
William Myers
Kae Nelson
Bonnie Netto
John Nield
Tom Olson
Richard Oltman
Lesley Osborn
John Osburn
Wanda Pearsons
Thomas Peterson
Todd Peterson
Kathy Ramey
Charlene Reaser
Terry Richter
Christina Rivera
William Robbins
Joan Roberts
Yolanda Rodriguez
Terry Rogers
Brenda Rommerskirchen
Linda Rossman
Jackie Schmehl
Kay Schmeichel
Patrick Schneider
Gaye Schreiber
Linda Scott
Berdie Shaw
Joe Shifflet
Rhonda Shipley
Marlene Simmonds
Dannye Skinner
Geri Smith
Michael Snyder
Sandy Sparks
David Spencer
Walt Stalnecker
Ron Stark
Judy Stevens
Barbara Stewart
Greg Tewes
Robert Thomas
Bill Todd
Richard Toscano
Ted Trueblood
Eileen Turner
Leslie Vetter
Allen Visbeck
Lynda Walsh
Ann Welch
Nancy West
Roger White
Janice Wilkenson
Donald Williams
Sue Williams
Paul Wilson
Marilyn Wise
Fred Woodroof
Maggie Wraight
Jack Wright
Darrell Young

Guest Members

Joe Hoffman (Industrial Arts Teacher)
Ladislaus Szarek (English Teacher)